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Guidance for Offline BaseStation Feature

The LX offline BaseStation is an upgraded iteration of the standard LX BaseStation that includes an additional functionality enabling the device to capture and retain LoRa packets even when the BaseStation lacks a cellular connection.

What does it offer?

The Offline BaseStation configuration offers two operation modes: Normal Mode and Offline Mode.

  • Under Normal Mode, the LX Incyt 4G BaseStation functions normally when it is connected to a cellular network. In this mode, the BaseStation will receive and transmit LoRa packets to the incyt platform, as well as send all the unsent packets stored in the BaseStation's SD card to the platform.
  • Under Offline Mode, the LX Incyt 4G BaseStation will automatically switch to this mode when it loses cellular connection. In this mode, the BaseStation will capture incoming LoRa packets and save them to the SD card. When the BaseStation detects a cellular connection, it will start sending the saved packets to the incyt platform.

How to use it?

  1. To get started, simply scan the QR code on the BaseStation using the incyt platform.

  2. Next, select the "Offline Mode" configuration and give your BaseStation a name that's easy for you to remember.

  3. Finally, plug in the BaseStation and it will start working right away!

Expected Outcome:

After conducting several experiments, it was discovered that the maximum number of packets that a BaseStation can hold under offline modes is approximately 27,000. Additionally, the BaseStation takes an average of about 37 seconds to receive and store a LoRa packet into the SD card of the Basestation.

This document includes time intervals required to collect one week and one month worth of data using different numbers of Koala trackers as a reference.


No of Koala Tags


Time to Upload 1 Uplink to Basestation

1 Week Data

(8 hourly reporting)

1 Month Data

(8 hourly reporting)

Approximate time to collect data from Koala tags to Basestation

Approximate time to collect data from Koala tags to Basestation


37 seconds per uplink

50 minutes

3 Hours 36 minutes 27 seconds


37 seconds per uplink

8 hour 25 minutes 3 seconds

1 Day 12 hours 4 minutes

(36 hours 4 minutes)


37 seconds per uplink

16 hours 50 minutes

3 Days 9 minutes

(72 Hours)